Keep reading to learn more about this serious issue and its solution. This huge figure implies that the rate of unemployment is really high. Causes, effects and solutions to youth unemployment. People will always be changing jobs, and sometimes they leave a job before finding a new one. This type of unemployment is caused by industrial friction.
This occurs due to ignorance, immobility of labor, shortage of raw materials, and breakdown in machinery. Unemployment and poverty are both reflective and precipitants of plethora of. What is the guarantee that large army of unemployed. The effects of unemployment are both personal and national personal when savings are depleted while looking for a position and national when the total spending level in the economy is impacted. There are three major types of unemployment including cyclical, frictional, and structural. Unemployment and security challenges in nigeria article pdf available in international journal of humanities and social science 37. Lets take a look at each one of them through the eyes of workers in the town of. Unemployment is one of the most serious problems facing nigeria like many other countries in the world. Pdf unemployment and security challenges in nigeria. It is sad, however, that her resources are not put to efficient use.
The unemployment number is a key component in regularly measuring the health of the u. However, there is also a growing level of security challenges facing the country, which. Several factors may be blamed for the prevalence of youth unemployment in nigeria. Is it possible to end the unemployment problem or not. Three things nigerians need to know to deal with unemployment. Recommendations were thereafter made to address other likely factors identified.
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